Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mr. Natural - Robert Crumb

To be honest I was a little trepidatious going into this week's reading knowing its underground comics. I read Mr. Natural amongst a few other things and I have to say Mr. Natural feels sort of out of place in this genre of comics. Yes. he's a huge dick and curses a lot, but not too much "sex and rock n roll" going on here. Crumb's design of Mr. Natural is very simplistic and he always feels out of place in the timeline of the comic. I think that is too the benefit of the character. It gives him that oddness that goes well with his personality. He's just a sort old bald dude with a long beard and wears just a robe/sheet thing. He's always causing troubles for other people and does things for his benefit mostly. I read one comic where he would not stop messing with a shuman monk until he loses his calm and goes crazy. Mr. Natural steals from him, encourages others to steal from him, and just downright won't let him rest. I feel the reason that Mr. Natural is considered an underground comic is that during this time period and era of comics it was "natural" to cheer on this anti-hero if I may say that only causes destruction. Mr. Natural never learns a lesson and us (the audience) reading the comic don't learn anything either. We are given that opportunity to not have to think about right and wrong and to enjoy in other's misfortune.

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